The kids are going to Mars!

March 22nd, 2011

We took part in a 3 day project to design, build, and defend a potential colony that could survive on the surface of Mars. This project was based on real-world data that was either presented to the students, or was researched by the students during the project. There were five science teams, each with a different perspective on how to build a colony. Nice work Mars crews! We have some future NASA scientists in our class! Special thanks to Denali who took some of the pictures. :>)

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Danke Herr Veh!

March 22nd, 2011

Mr. Veh, an astronomy/physics/math professor at KPC, came to give us a lesson on calculating the distance and diameter of the sun using a simple device called a light tube. The math involved was challenging, but we figured it out! Mr. Veh is also from Germany, so we practiced a little German as well. Danke Herr Veh!

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Planet Art

March 22nd, 2011

We had great fun creating existing and new planets in our solar system using  watercolor techniques of washing and blending. Then we typed a description of the scene to compliment the artwork. Enjoy the photos!

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Guest Reader!

March 22nd, 2011

Students are now being asked to be the guest reader of the day during our Read Aloud time each day. Cecilia is seen here reading to the class.  :>)

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Birdhouses aren’t just for the birds!

March 22nd, 2011

We invited parents and members of the community to visit our class and help us learn about a local bird called the swallow. Ken Marlow from the Keen Eye Birders Club came and gave an interested presenation on how swallows will use our newly constructed nest boxes. Thanks to Greg Daniels and Aaron Baldwin for presenting slides related to Alaskan birds and prehistoric birds. Thanks to Dan and Emily from the Kenai Watershed for coming to help with the construction. Also thanks to the Streiff family for volunteering in the construction phase. Good fun and learning was had by all!

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