The kids are going to Mars!

We took part in a 3 day project to design, build, and defend a potential colony that could survive on the surface of Mars. This project was based on real-world data that was either presented to the students, or was researched by the students during the project. There were five science teams, each with a different perspective on how to build a colony. Nice work Mars crews! We have some future NASA scientists in our class! Special thanks to Denali who took some of the pictures. :>)

3 Responses to “The kids are going to Mars!”

  1.   041585 Says:

    Dear. Mr.D, I hope you have a great summer!

  2.   e01243 Says:

    I hope you do too. I hope you find lots of cool bugs to examine!

    Mr. D

  3.   e01243 Says:

    Hey thanks Denali! You too! are you finding any cool bugs?

    Mr. D

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