Crazy Class!

October 13th, 2010


This is our class of Dragons this year. They are Crazy Cool! We are all sitting down for a nice read aloud time. Some students are not pictured.

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How do living and non-living wetland things interact?

October 4th, 2010

Shrimp and rocks – Shrimp could use the rocks for a home. They could also use it to hide from predators.

Fish and water – the fish use the water to move around. They also use it to breathe.

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our first blogs

October 1st, 2010

Today my class went to computer lab and they created their first blog! They really like the part when they got to create their theme.

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Welcome New 4th Graders! :)

August 22nd, 2010

Get ready for a fun and exciting year parents and students! 🙂 We have a teacher intern with us this year for double the fun! Welcome Mr. Joe! We will use this space to show off the activities we take part in during our school year. Stay tuned for updates regularly.

Parents, stay tuned to your child’s blog this year as well. We invite you to check into it regularly to communicate with your child on his/her posts and other content. Remember, this is strictly an educational blog that is maintained and controlled by the School District. Let’s keep things positive, meaningful, and educational. 🙂

We’ll see you soon! 

🙂 Mr. Daniels 🙂


All contents below this post are from last year’s activities…

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Goodbye Study Buddies!

May 26th, 2010

What a wonderful year of growth we saw in our Kindergarden study buddies this year. They are so CUTE!! Some buddies really bonded-from the words of one of my fourth graders, “He’s like  a little brother to me.” Another said, “When I see her on the playground she comes running up to me and we go play together.” It was a very rewarding experience and I want to thank Ms. Kaufman for opening up her class to us this year. I look forward to next year’s group. HAVE A GREAT SUMMER KINDERS!

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