A Vision of K-12 Students Today

June 1st, 2009

I found a great video for young and old that tells a story of how our kids learn in today’s society. This video was created to inspire teachers to use technology in engaging ways to help students develop higher level thinking skills. Equally important, it serves to motivate district level leaders to provide teachers with the tools and training to do so.

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Alladin Musical!

March 17th, 2009

Here are a couple of pictures and a video of our latest musical from Mr. Houghlum. He did a great job with the kids. A HUGE thanks to all of the volunteers who made it a success as well!

Вот несколько фотографий и видео из наших последних музыкальных г Houghlum. Он сделал большую работу с детьми. HUGE благодарность всем добровольцам, которые сделали его успеха, как хорошо!

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Fire Ecology Field Trip

January 22nd, 2009 Tagged

We traveled to a place where a forest fire happened years ago to investigate what happens after the fire.

Мы путешествовали по месту лесного пожара произошло лет назад для расследования того, что произойдет после пожара.

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Wetland Field Trip Spring 2008

January 22nd, 2009 Tagged

 This is a class field trip to a local wetland.

Это класс поездке на местном водно-болотных угодий.

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If You Give A Moose A Cookie book report

January 22nd, 2009 Tagged

Please enjoy this students’ book report on one of her favorite books.

Просьба пользоваться этой студентов книга доклад на одной из своих любимых книг.

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